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Crosswords, puzzles and news

I've gotten hooked (again) doing this on the train on my way home. I get my morning newspaper in the morning and try to read the entire thing on my way to work and I devote my entire ride home doing the puzzles. It does keep me from just sitting there and staring at people (haha). Plus it's a good brain exerciser.

On yesterday's paper, it was reported that the Thai government fired their Head Metereologist for not giving a warning on the tsunami. Apparently, they were in the know an hour before but were hesitant to give out the alert in the fear that the government will not be happy about disrupting the country's tourist industry. Imagine putting your future in the hands of a person who makes the wrong decision, a decision, that could have saved lives. Thinking it's better to save his job than human lives- what an awful thing to do.

Copyright 2004 Wandertrekker



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